How to Perform the 5 Obligatory Prayers

How to Perform the 5 Obligatory Prayers There are five (5) prayers which must be performed by the Muslims and are called “obligatory” prayers. They are Dhuhr (Noon) prayer, ^Asr (afternoon) prayer, Maghrib (sunset) prayer, ^Ishaa’ (Nightfall) prayer and Fajr (Dawn) prayer. It is a great sin to neglect performing any of these obligatory prayers.…

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What is Said in the I^tidal of the Second Rak^ah of the Fajr Prayer

What is Said in the I^tidal of the Second Rak^ah of the Fajr Prayer Du^aul-Qunut Allahummahdini fiman hadayt (a), wa ^afini fiman ^afayt (a), wa tawallani fiman tawallayt (a), wa barik li fima a^tayt (a). Wa qini sharra ma qadayt (a), fa ‘innaka taqdi wa la yuqda ^alayk (a). Wa ‘innahu la yadhillu maw walayt(a), wa la ya^izzu man ^adayt (a). Tabarakta Rabbana wa ta^alayt (a). Fa lakal-hamdu ^ala ma qadayt (a).…

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The Covering for the Prayer

The Covering for the Prayer The women must cover everything except their faces and hands with a material which conceals the color of their skin. The body must remain covered throughout the various movements of the prayer. So if, for example upon bending, the woman’s scarf hangs forward exposing her neck from an angle, this is…

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The Five Obligatory Prayers and How to determine their due times

The Five Obligatory Prayers and How to determine their due times Introduction The five prayers are among the best acts of worship that the Muslim performs. Performing them is the best deed after having the correct belief in God and His Messenger. Prophet Muhammad, may Allah raise his rank, was asked what the best deed was and he…

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Preparations Before Praying

Preparations Before Praying There are five prayers which are obligatory and rewardable. There are other prayers which are rewardable but optional to perform. The optional prayers require the same preparation as the five required prayers. There are several requirements of the person who performs the prayer. The person praying must be Muslim and must have…

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